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     Supreme Court

Entries for COURTS

Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts - News Releases   Full Record
Official news releases and archived releases back through 1995.

Colorado Courts at a Glance   Full Record
Colorado Judicial Branch, Office of the State Court Administrator.

Decisions of the US Supreme Court   Full Record
From the Legal Information Institute, Cornell.

Federal Judicial Center   Full Record
Official site. Congress established the FJC by statute in 1967 as a separate organization within the federal judicial system at the request of the Judicial Conference of the United States.

Federal Judiciary Home Page   Full Record
This page is maintained by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts on behalf of the U.S. Courts. Offers a very clear explanation of the "third branch" of the US government. Includes access to current press releases.

FedWorld/FLITE Supreme Court Decisions Homepage   Full Record
Federal Legal Information Through Electronics, the historic file from the Air Force of over 7000 US Supreme Court Decisions from 1937 through 1975 (300 - 422 US Reports).

Freedom Forum Online   Full Record
First Amendment issues.

Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court   Full Record
Biographies and photos.

Legal Information Institute (Cornell Law School)   Full Record
From Cornell University.

Oyez Oyez Oyez: A U.S. Supreme Court Database   Full Record
Multimedia database.

Supreme Court Decisions, 1937-1975 (via GPO Access)   Full Record
This database is being made available to the public as a finding aid to the "official" version in the United States Reports.

The International Court of Justice (Cornell Law School site)   Full Record
Court documents, research aids, recent decisions.

U.S. Federal Courts Finder   Full Record
From the Emory University Law School. A clickable map provides easy access to federal courts by region.

Modified 2/11/01