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Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs
Department of State.

Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Department of Transportation.

Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
Congress. Senate.

Department of Transportation
Executive Agencies.

Federal Highway Administration
Department of Transportation.

Federal Transit Administration
Department of Transportation.

Geographic Information Survices
Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics.

Intelligent Transportation Systems
Department of Transportation.

International Transportation
Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics.

Martime Transportation System
Department of Transportation.

National Transit Library
Department of Transportation. Federal Transit Administration.

National Transportation Library
Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics.

National Transportation Safety Board
Independent Establishments and Government Corporations.

Office of Emergency Preparedness
Department of Health and Human Services. Office of Public Health and Science.

Office of the Inspector General
Department of Transportation.

Office of the Secretary of Transportation
Department of Transportation.

Office of Transportation Operations
Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Operations Core Business Unit.

Office of Transportation Technologies
Department of Energy.

Office of Travel Management
Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Operations Core Business Unit.

Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles
Department of Commerce. Technology Administration.

Research and Special Programs Administration
Department of Transportation.

Surface Transportation Board
Department of Transportation.

Transportation Administrative Service Center
Department of Transportation.

Transportation Affairs
Department of State. Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs.

U.S. Census Bureau
Department of Commerce. Economics and Statistics Administration.