Technical Report (NTIS)

Citation given by patron:

Anderson, R.E. The concentration of trace heavy metals with ion exchange reigns. Conf. on Toxic Metals, Report EPA 902/9-74-001, Environmental Protection Agency, Princeton University, 1973.

Solution: A search in OCLC turned up no records for this author and title. Seeing the report number in the citation is and recognizing that it is from the EPA, the next place to check is Government Reports Annual Index, the index to NTIS materials. The 1993 report number index did not contain this report number, but the 1994 report number index did. (Always remember to check a year or two after the supposed date of publication).

The citation read as follows:

Traces of Heavy Metals in Water Removal Processes and Monitoring.
PB-235 398/5GI                         74-26     7A      PC59.50/MF$2.25

Searching this title in OCLC produced several records, telling us that this is a 342 page book containing "Proceedings of a symposium...." It is an edited work, assumedly containing many individual papers. Anderson's paper is likely contained within this title.

Local holdings for this work are as follows:

Colorado State University owns the work as a monograph (OCLC #1045656)
Two regional libraries receive the NTIS microfiche set: Colorado School of Mines Library in Golden, and the Engineering Library at University of Colorado at Boulder.